Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs # 11 - Comic Collection

The flagship title of Mullet Turtle Comics returns! Thirty-six pages of humorous and irreverent comics such as: Competitive Baby Holding, Does Bigfoot Owe You Money?, Slime Bricks, Dental Whiskey, Doctor Waffle, Bootlegged Toy Trunk, People Versus Bugs, and more!
Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs began life as Steve Steiner’s first zine way back while he was in college in 2003 and gets its name from the famous quote from the film Cool Hand Luke (though it has nothing to do with eggs, nor Paul Newman). After self-publishing over 30 issues in his twenties, Steve rebooted the series with a new #1 issue in 2013.
• 6.62" x 10.25"
• 36 pages
• Full Color